General Terms and Conditions of IP Shield Sàrl (Luxembourg)

This document is only available in English.

Unless otherwise stipulated, our general terms and conditions apply to all agreements between IP Shield Sàrl and the Client, with the explicit exclusion of any general conditions established by the Client. IP Shield Sàrl undertakes to carry out its mandate in good faith, with caution, diligence, and with all customary confidentiality. The Client authorizes IP Shield Sàrl to use experts (foreign) in the execution of its mission for the realization of services, the costs of which will be charged to the Client. The use of data and information provided is subject to the conditions and limitations set by licensors, consulted registers, and other third parties to IP Shield Sàrl. The Client acknowledges being bound by these and ensures their compliance.

For any service, IP Shield Sàrl provides a free estimate upon reasonable request. An estimate is valid for two months. IP Shield Sàrl may request a deposit for all or part of the foreseeable costs of a service. In this case, the commencement of the service will only occur after receipt of the requested deposit, regardless of the consequences for the client, especially in the event of a delay. Orders for the payment of examination or maintenance fees must be given clearly and in writing. If an advance payment is requested, these orders are executed only after receipt of the full payment.

Invoices from IP Shield Sàrl are payable in cash and are considered definitively accepted by the Client unless contested in writing by registered mail within eight (8) days of the invoicing date. Late or incomplete payment will be debited to the Client's outstanding balance, with a late interest of 10% per year and a contractually fixed lump-sum compensation of 10% per year with a minimum of 250 euros, automatically and without prior notice. In case of late or incomplete payment, IP Shield Sàrl will be entitled to immediately suspend the provision of its services, with all risks and consequences borne by the Client. In any case, the Client will be fully responsible for settling invoices that are issued in the name of third parties at the request of the Client.

IP Shield Sàrl will endeavor to carry out its activities optimally, in compliance with professional ethics. IP Shield Sàrl has an obligation of means. IP Shield Sàrl disclaims any liability for consequential and/or related damages arising from inaccurate and/or incomplete data provided by the Client. The transmission of incorrect and/or incomplete information by the Client is considered a serious breach that may lead to the termination of the contract, regardless of good faith. In case of force majeure (including but not limited to illness and lack of sufficient information provided by the Client or the transmission of incorrect data by the Client), IP Shield Sàrl may, without legal intervention, either suspend the implementation of the agreement as long as the circumstance causing force majeure persists, or dissolve the agreement in whole or in part. IP Shield Sàrl cannot be held liable for damages caused in case of force majeure. IP Shield Sàrl is always entitled to demand payment for services that have been performed before the occurrence of the circumstance that is the cause of force majeure. If one or more provisions of these general terms and conditions of sale are deemed null and void or declared null and void based on any legal or mandatory provision or based on a final judgment pronounced by a competent court, the remaining provisions remain fully in force and applicable. Limitations or exclusions will be replaced by the applicable law that allows the most favorable limitation or exclusion to IP Shield.

In case of dispute, only the courts of the judicial district of Luxembourg will be competent. Luxembourgish law will apply.